I awoke to the sound of small feet pitter-pattering their way toward my bunk. Jill had left an hour earlier for work and I knew who…
Who needs a transmission when you’ve got sails
Sitting to leeward of Yahtzee’s helm, I could see the dark gust coming from way across the bay. Counting down until it hit, I turned up slightly,…
Finding our sea legs on an epic weekend cruise
Hand over hand, I pulled the mainsail up like a mad sailor who could hardly wait to shut the engine off. I couldn’t. Outside the breakwater…
With racing on the horizon, it’s time to pull out the safety card
Looking out the window on the plane home to Alaska, Porter catches my eye while thumbing through the contents in the seat pocket in front of…
Memorable moments | Saying goodbye to an incredible year of cruising
Crouching at the water’s edge, I picked up a smooth black stone and gripped it in my palm. Magnus stood next to me — clad in…
Headliner update: One road to the finish
Several productive weekends have gone by since I started work on Yahtzee’s new headliner. Overall, the project is taking about as many man hours as expected, and it’s turning out far better…
Just go sailing and forget the rest
Every weekday, I sit with Porter and Magnus to tackle some schoolwork. Porter has a workbook that teaches him to read and write letters and numbers,…
The crafting of a headliner
With a green Bic pencil tucked back behind my ear, I picked up the saw and rained dust throughout the makeshift workbench inside Yahtzee’s main salon. Music blared in the background as I…
What the heck’s going on aboard Yahtzee?
There’s been a lot of progress going on aboard Yahtzee these days. While Jill’s been working during the week, I’ve been getting as much done with…
Struggles of a stationary sailor
It’s no secret that I’m absolutely infatuated with Alaska. The place is truly amazing. But I’m also not going to mince words in that I’m finding it…