Inspired by people we’ve met throughout our cruising journey, I wrote this article for the June issue of 48° North (read the full magazine HERE).…
Our sailing time machine: Five years aboard Yahtzee
When I first sat down to write this post, I thought I’d share a little about why we chose our 1984 Grand Soleil 39, why…
Prince William Sound astounds, Alaska beckons
I woke early on Sunday morning. It was 4:33 a.m. when I rolled over to illuminate the clock next to our bunk. After a few deep breaths, I…
A cruiser’s case of the Mondays
Blasting into a sudden 15 to 25 knot northerly towards the Kenai Peninsula, Yahtzee heeled sharply to starboard with the wind. Cutting through a steep chop,…
500 glorious miles from Sitka to Kodiak Island
Sailing fast on a broad reach, volcanic Mt. Edgecume slid by our starboard side while Yahtzee tracked northwest out into the expansive Gulf of Alaska. We…
Paradise found at the amazing Ford’s Terror
It’s June and I’m cold. A heavy rain pelts my black Musto jacket and I pull the brim of the hood down slightly to let…