Our sails were full of wind and the boat was full of happiness as we sailed westward away from Bellingham and toward 2015 as a complete family. Broad reaching with the sun on our smiling faces, the last few weeks spent at the dock seemed to vanish in our wake. Yes, good times were had. But the lasting memory will be of bringing Magnus Russell Cross into the world happy and healthy at 2:20 a.m. on his due date, Dec. 27.
Thanks to our wonderful midwifes, we were back on Yahtzee by 5:15 a.m. getting settled in and ready to spend a few cozy days enjoying our newest family member. After receiving the all clear on Magnus’ health and weight, installing a new raw water pump on the diesel and taking a trip to the top of the rig, we got underway on the last day of 2014 to head back out into the islands.
With sunny skies and a following breeze, Magnus’ first sail was as special as any in recent memory. Eagles soared overhead, the San Juan Islands showed off their usual splendor, the mountains seemed surreal on almost every horizon and Porter was in his glory to be back out sailing again.
As we look forward to our family adventures aboard Yahtzee in 2015, we are comforted to know that wherever we may go, we are home.
Happy New Year from the crew of Yahtzee!
– Jill, Andy, Porter & Magnus